Nail (fastener) In woodworking and construction, a nail is a small object made of metal (or wood, called a tree nail or trunnel) which is used as a fastener, as a peg to hang something, or sometimes as a decoration 1 Generally, nails have a sharp point on one end and a flattened head on the other, but headless nails are availableミラーネイルとはまた違う、部分的にメタルな輝きを纏うアートです。 今回は2通りの取り入れ方をご紹介いたします♪ まだ未体験の方はぜひ試してみてくださいね。 「メタリッMetal Nail Pin Tack Brad Spike Cleat Fastener Hammer Mallet Nail Gun Carpentry Construction Icon SVG PNG Clipart Vector Cricut Cut Cutting ad vertisement by ExpertOutfit Ad vertisement
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